Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Gujranwala Board :: 5th 8th Class Result 2016 - Gujrat Mandi Baha-ud-Din

Gujranwala Board   5th Class Result 2016 and the announced the  8th Class Result 2016 by PEC  Punjab Examination Commission in 2016 for V CLass and VIII Class Scholarships result also announced by the board PEC of all punjab Keep touch with Usman Academy.You search by name or Roll Number Gujranwala  Gujrat Board also

 Before submitting the minor examination it is valued to draw alertness to two methodological issues. The first is that the scrutiny written knowledge give only an inside perimeter of source, or yardstick, to examine performance. This is because the scrutiny papers were set to consider the school curriculum of the Punjab, and the only candidates were those drawn from schools in the Punjab. Consequently, all evaluations ask for only internally to learners and schools in the Punjab. In the examination, if a school’s stage of recital, or that of a local area, is said to be very well that judgment cites only internally to the Punjab. It may be that learners or schools examined in this examination to have played at a “very well” stage would in addition have been supposed to be “very well” if their recital had been weighed against with Grade 5 and 8 learners in other provinces of Pakistan or in other nations, but that kind of external equivalence not able to be made from the written knowledge of the 2010 Grade 5 and 8 examinations in the Punjab.

5th Class Result 2013 

8th Class Result 2013 

The second methodological subject cites to the large number of learners and schools joining in the examinations. When evaluations of intend counts are made between local territory where there are hundreds of thousands of learners tiny divergences in local area signifies can be notably divergent when investigating at an α stage of .05 or .01, which is global yardstick rehearse in training studies. This should be bolstered in psyche when deeming intend count evaluations demonstrated in the desks and diagrams submitted in afterwards segments of this report.

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