Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lahore Board 5th Class 8th Class Result 2016 [PEC}

Lahore Board 5th Class and the  8th Class Result 2016 is announced by the PEC Punjab Education Commission in Class V & VIII Grade is in the end of month March 2016.Student are waiting for the result of Lahore Board.Expected Result Date is 31st march 2016 and student can result online search by Roll number and Name or may be schools all the punjab schools are waiting for this result in Lahore Area Schools.

In 2006 for the former time degree five investigations were undertook by then freshly established Punjab Examinations Commission (PEC) with administrative and logistical support supplied by The Education Department, Government of the Punjab, and with economic andmechanical aid supplied by UNICEF. In 2007 PEC afresh held investigations for degree five scholars and for the former moment for degree 8scholars which was announced called off due towards administrative grounds. From year 2008 towards this year 2010 PEC is effectively carrying out degree five and eight examinations. In July 2010 The Punjab Examination Commission Act was advertised for advancing the writtencheck scheme of elementary education. Since 2006 the examinations undertook by PEC enclosed the next six subjects: English, Islamiyat, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and Urdu for both 5th and 8th degree students.PEC is furthermore carrying out writtencheck of 8th degree discretionary topics which are not encompassed in the analysis.

5th Class Lahore Result 2013

8th Class Lahore Result 2013


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